Tips for Maintaining a Volumetric Concrete Mixer

volumetric concrete mixer

Being the owner of a concrete mixer is a demanding job. It requires serious efforts to ensure its good health. In a situation where they are maintained improperly, trucks or trailers can directly impact your and your staff’s safety on-site, coupled with poor performance, leading to monetary losses. So, being a responsible individual, you should avoid any risk in the first attempt. Below, we are sharing with you some basic tips to ensure the good health of your mixer

Regular Inspection

First of all, check for any waste or build-up that is commonly found on the floors or walls of the volumetric concrete mixer. As soon as you spot any, get rid of it. Secondly, make use of a heavy pressure wash if the production is on an extended break. Don’t forget to wash the discharge chute.

After the working hours have ended, clean the mixer with the help of high-water pressure. While doing this, do not use any metal hammers. To clean the build-up from walls, floors, blades, etc. Use plastic hammers for this job. Thirdly, pay proper attention to the door seal and the build-up on the door seal and clean it up as soon as you notice it.

Check the mixer for any oil leakage. If you notice any, immediately replace the door seal with a new one. ProAll International employs all these basic tips as a part of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) when servicing your equipment in our facilities.

What are the Factors That Affect the Price of Volumetric Concrete Mixers?

With the real estate sector experiencing exponential growth around the world, demand for concrete has increased as well. As a result, a lot of people employed in this sector are buying mixers of their own, contributing to the surge in their demand.

There are a lot of volumetric concrete mixers available for sale out there on the market. Depending on the client and job requirements, ProAll International has a wide variety of these big trucks to contribute to the development of your real estate projects. Below are the basic factors that affect the price of these mixers.

Costs of Raw Materials

Steel is the basic metal used to manufacture volumetric concrete mixers because it is worn and tear resistant along with being corrosion resistant at the same time. As a result, any increase in the market price of steel will directly affect the on-road price of these big machines.

Demand and Supply

As we all know, demand governs the selling price of almost everything on sale in the market. In other words, a product or service that is in short supply will be costly. So, in a region where the real estate sector is seeing a boom, volumetric concrete mixers are expected to cost more.

Price Differences Depending on Region

Some things are in abundance in one part of the world. While they are rare in other parts of the world, if you are looking to buy a mixer in a place of shortage, like where there are a lot of real estate projects under development, then they will cost more. And in places where real estate development is rare, they will cost you less.

The Amount of Human Intervention Required

With the new technological developments in real estate development hardware. Mixers require less human intervention to do their job. But this comes at a cost. Machines with an increased level of automation are capital-intensive. As compared to those manually operated. But automated mixers do a much more efficient job in less time.

Concrete Quality

Good quality mixers churn out concrete that is durable and possesses good strength. That is why they cost more. Meanwhile, cheaper mixers provide concrete of compromised quality. ProAll International advises its patrons to overlook price factors in favour of long-term benefits.