11 Best Stress Relieving Foods of All Time

Best Stress Relieving Foods

Everyone in this world is worried about their health and wants to have a good and healthy life. Health has become an important topic in recent times and everyone is now moving towards a culture of living a healthy life. People are opting for various methods to keep themselves healthy and fit. And when we talk about healthy life, both mental and physical health are essential. We usually ignore the fact that mental health also plays a vital role in keeping our physical strength and body healthy. Physical fitness can be maintained and taken care of in many ways but people usually forget about mental health. Mental health is a severe issue which could lead to various other problems in our body and causes different problems like mental stress, anxiety and headaches. These problems could lead to serious damage to our body and can also affect our physical strength.

Our body needs different sources of nutrition that can help us to relieve our stress and make us feel more healthy and fit both physically and mentally. The main proportion of our training that we execute to get a better and healthy life is the food that we eat. Our diet decides whether we are going in the right direction of fitness or not. We can never rely upon physical training and exercises to make ourselves healthy and challenging at the same time. Diet plays a vital role in enhancing our mental capabilities as well.

Today many people complain about the problem of stress and anxiety. This has become a severe problem these days. Life has become so tense that everyone is stressed about their life and career. To overcome this stress and anxiety, various methods can help you out, but have you ever thought of relieving your stress by just eating the right foods? Yes, you can indeed lower the levels of stress from your body only by adding some nourishment to your regular diet. 

Today we will share a list with you all that consists of 11 such foods that can help lower down the stress levels of your body. The plan is provided below, have a look and make it a part of your diet.

These healthy and crunchy brazil nuts are the one that has made it to the top of this list. These brazil nuts are a great source of a substance called selenium, that is known for its mood-improving qualities by reducing the inflammation from the body. It also acts as an antioxidant, which helps to prevent the cells from damage. Its anti-carcinogenic properties are also useful for preventing the development of cancer cells in the body. A limited amount of brazil nuts are always good for your health and helps in relieving your stress as well. 

  • Fatty fish

We all know the fishes are a great source of nutrients for our body. Fatty fishes like salmon and sardines are full of healthy nutrients like omega-3 fats and vitamin D. These nutrients can reduce mental stress and anxiety. It also helps in handling the problem of depression which is quite common these days. 

  • Dark Chocolate

Chocolates are a rich source of energy and have a delicious taste. But do you know that chocolates are also helpful in reducing the stress levels of your body? Yes, some researches have already proven that chocolates are useful in relieving stress from the body and also helps in improving the overall blood flow. The compound named flavonoids helps reduce the neuroinflammation and cell death in the brain, which keeps our health and body fit and healthy.

  • Yogurt

Yogurt is an essential part of our diet. We should always consider this food in our regular diet. The healthy bacteria named lactobacillus and bifidobacteria have a good effect on our brain health.thus keeping our stress level normal and controlling our anxiety. Yogurt is also known for its anti-inflammatory effect which also caters the problem of depression and stress. It is found in various researches that fermented food has a positive impact on our daily mood and increases happiness in some people.

  • Chickpeas

These chickpeas are always going to be your best friend. Rich in various stress-fighting Vitamins and minerals that include magnesium, selenium, zinc and potassium. These nutrients help make your body healthy and also helps in improving mental health. Chickpeas are rich in L- tryptophan which can secret mood-regulating neurotransmitters which ultimately reduces the stress. In a study, it was found that people who consume foods like legumes have good moods and improved mental stress than others.

  • Green tea

A perfect beverage that every fitness lover always is fond of. Green tea is the most healthy beverage that one can consume. This tea contains amino acids called theanine which is known for its stress-relieving properties. This theanine helps in the increased production of serotonin and dopamine which are always good for the overall health of the body. Having a cup of green tea regularly will help you to reduce stress, anxiety and chances of being in depression.

  • Pumpkin seeds

Do you like eating pumpkin? Weel, if not then i think you must try out its seeds that you usually throw away while cleaning the pumpkin. These seeds have various medicinal properties and are rich in potassium. This potassium helps in managing the blood pressure and maintains the electrolyte balance in the body. Potassium-rich food is generally advised by the doctors to reduce the stress and anxiety in the body. These seeds are also rich in mineral zinc which is a crucial nutrient for brain and nerve development.   

  • Eggs

We eat eggs almost every day in different forms like omelette and usually love to have them. But do you know these ordinary and simple looking eggs can help in vanishing your stress and anxiety as well? Eggs are a great source of protein and amino acids that our body requires. Tryptophan is a type of amino acid that helps to create serotonin which is a neurotransmitter that can regulate your moods, sleep, anxiety and stress. Keep eating eggs regularly and live a stress-free life.

  • Artichokes

These flower buds are beneficial ingredients that will make you feel calm and stress-free. They are rich in prebiotics fiber that nourishes the good bacteria in your gut. This prebiotic fiber, such as fructooligosaccharides which are present in artichokes in an appropriate amount, helps in reducing the levels of stress from the body.

  • Organ meats

Meat that we generally eat is very delicious and also fulfils the nutritional demand of our body. Apart from the usual meat, organ meat is also very rich in nutrients and is suitable for our health. Organ meat that includes heart, liver, kidneys of animals like chickens and goats are a good source of vitamins for our body. It consists of the vitamins like riboflavin, B12, B6 and folate that are known for their stress-reducing abilities. Dopamine and serotonin which is produced due to Vitamin B, helps in regulating our mood and controlling the stress levels in our body.

  • Shellfish

A popular food item which is widely loved by the people around is what that has made to the number 11 in our list. Shellfish are a great source of taurine and amino acids which are needed to produce the neurotransmitters that help in lowering down the stress levels of our body. Studies have also found that taurine has antidepressant effects too. Shellfish are a rich source of vitamin B12, zinc, copper and selenium which has the property to make your mood light and happy.  


So this was our list for the top 11 foods that can help you to reduce or relieve your stress levels and enhance your mood. Hope you will include these food items in your diet and witness a change in your health.