Hair Straightener Lawsuits: A Look at the Consumer Class Action Litigation

Hair Straightener Lawsuits

Hair straighteners have gained widespread popularity among women globally, but recent legal actions have raised concerns about their potential health risks. The usage of hair straighteners containing hazardous chemicals, in particular, has been related to an elevated risk of uterine cancer. 

A blog post published by the American Cancer Society in October 2022 highlighted research conducted by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, which suggests that women who use hair straighteners may have a greater likelihood of developing this type of cancer.

As a result, consumer class action litigation has emerged, with plaintiffs seeking compensation for their injuries. 

In this article, we will take a closer look at the consumer class action litigation surrounding hair straightener lawsuits and the role of plaintiffs’ attorneys. We will also discuss the benefits of consumer class action litigation.

Consumer Class Action Litigation

Consumer class action litigation is a type of lawsuit where a large group of people comes together to file a legal claim against a common defendant. The purpose of this litigation is to hold the manufacturers of these products accountable for their harmful effects on consumers. By joining together, plaintiffs can share the costs of litigation and increase their chances of success.

In the context of hair straighteners, this means that plaintiffs who have developed uterine cancer from exposure to toxic chemicals in these products can join together to seek compensation from the manufacturers of these products.

According to the National Institutes of Health’s study on the relationship between hair straighteners and uterine cancer in women, carcinogenic substances such as parabens, bisphenol A, metals, and formaldehyde may contribute to the reported greater risk of uterine cancer. 

To prove causation, plaintiffs may need to produce medical records and other documentation demonstrating that they used hair straighteners containing the specific chemicals identified by the NIH study and that they subsequently developed uterine cancer. 

The Role of Plaintiffs’ Attorneys 

Plaintiffs’ attorneys have an essential role in consumer class action litigation as they are responsible for representing the group of plaintiffs. They gather evidence and work to establish the link between hair straightening products and the development of uterine cancer. 

They can help ensure that their clients receive the money they deserve by working with the plaintiffs. 

TorHoerman legal, LLC is one legal firm that has been involved in consumer class action litigation involving hair straighteners. According to the firm’s website, it has experience managing complicated product liability claims, and it has the requisite skills to assist those looking to file a hair straightener lawsuit.

Finally, the outcome of a consumer class action case is determined by a number of factors, including the evidence, the expertise of the attorneys involved, and the defendant’s willingness to negotiate. When selecting an attorney or law firm, it is important to consider factors such as experience, reputation, and track record of success, as well as the specific needs and circumstances of the case.

The Benefits of Class Action Lawsuits

Consumer class action litigation offers several benefits to plaintiffs who have suffered harm from hair straighteners. First, it allows plaintiffs to join together and share the costs of litigation, making it more affordable for individuals who may not be able to pursue a lawsuit on their own. 

Second, it can lead to larger settlements or verdicts, as defendants are more likely to settle a lawsuit brought by a group of plaintiffs rather than an individual. According to Forbes, the year 2022 saw record-breaking settlements in class action lawsuits related to product liability, consumer fraud, antitrust, and other cases. Such lawsuits can create significant challenges for companies and organizations, with the total value of the settlements exceeding $63 billion.

Finally, consumer class action litigation can bring about changes in the industry, as manufacturers may be motivated to reformulate their products or make other changes to reduce the risk of harm to consumers.


The emergence of consumer class action litigation surrounding hair straighteners highlights the potential health risks of these products and the importance of holding manufacturers accountable for their harmful effects on consumers. Plaintiffs’ attorneys play a crucial role in representing the group of plaintiffs and seeking compensation for their injuries. 

Consumer class action litigation offers several benefits to plaintiffs, including the ability to join together and share the costs of litigation, potentially leading to larger settlements and creating pressure for manufacturers to reformulate their products. When choosing an attorney or legal firm, it is critical to analyze the case’s individual demands and circumstances.