Important Steps in the Construction Equipment Painting Process

Construction Equipment Painting

Painting plays an important role in the maintenance work of construction equipment. If your heavy machinery is not giving a comforting look. It is looking dull and dark with paint coming off , then redo it. Painting big trucks is a serious job and requires professional help.

The paint experts of ProAll Equipment Refurbishing survey your big gadgets all around to get an estimate of much needed repair and replacement before starting the job. But this is not the only thing that happens in construction equipment painting. Below, we will take you through this entire procedure in detail.

Getting Ready

Before you begin construction equipment painting, it is important to get rid of old paint, decals, dirt, and corrosion. Most professionals use a knife or spray for this job. With large machines they use sandblasting technique. Service centre people look for possible dents and get rid of them with the help of a filler. This approach ensures that the paint surface is smooth before the real work begins.

After that, they remove all the loose parts and use masking tape to cover irremovable parts. This is a SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for all construction equipment painting jobs at ProAll Equipment Refurbishing facilities.

Human Safety Measures

When equipment is ready for painting. Construction equipment painting professionals gear up themselves for safety against harmful chemicals found in paint. They wear gloves, gas masks, and spray coveralls to prevent solvent inhalation. At ProAll Equipment Refurbishing, we take staff safety seriously.

Once everything is all set to go, our staff prepares the floor and walls with the help of cardboard or plastic sheeting. As painting is happening on-site, an effective ventilation system is a must to get rid of paint vapours and mists generated during the painting job.

Colour Scheme Selection

As we all know, there is no single colour choice for all construction equipment painting jobs. In other words, sometimes clients have their own paint colour choice. And there are situations when you have to use a particular colour for the painting job to abide by the law.

When you ask for advice from specialists, they will reveal that they consider several factors before choosing the paint. Some of the factors being paint composition, price, total quantity, application method, analyzing the need for a thinner, primer, and many more.

All these factors matter because they have a specific role to play. Take, for example: You need two kinds of paint if you are using both spraying and brushing as paint application methods. While in some cases, one paint type is enough, depending on the way painting is being done.

The Start Of The Painting Process

With ProAll Equipment Refurbishing experts on the field, you get peace of mind that the paint job will be completed as per schedule. They hold their spray guns at the prescribed distance. And use the easy top-to-bottom movement in combination with side-to-side movements to spray paint equipment. This approach is very much the same for all heavy machinery painting jobs to get better adhesion and viscosity. Monitor the temperature; it should be within an industry-specific range.

Give Time To Dry

A single layer of paint doesn’t complete the job in full. Therefore, paint experts use at least two layers of paint on equipment and vehicles. They go for the third layer in case the second layer fails to deliver. Or clients are unsatisfied.

ProAll paint engineers take a break of around 7 to 10 minutes between the application of these layers, depending on the size of equipment. This way each paint layer gets enough time to dry.

As standard practice, after all the layers are applied. The truck is left alone for the day. This is done because a lot of factors, such as ventilation, temperature, and layer thickness, can affect drying speed.

Decals, Stickers, and Labels

After painting work is complete. Paint professionals use necessary decals, stickers, and labels for the equipment. Being a professional, they know which of the labels and decals abide by the law. But do ask for the ones that have good adhesion and offer resistance to water and UV. Not only that, if you have any special requirements with regards to warning labels and instructions, inform them in advance.

Apart from explaining to you the painting process of heavy machinery, these details will help you evaluate the work of people whom you have entrusted the painting work to. For a while now, ProAll Equipment Refurbishing has been offering construction equipment repair and painting services. And serving the people of the USA.