Logos that can last an Eternity

digital logo design

Brands come and go and so their logos. But some brands make an impression that can last an eternity. Here we will discuss some of the ideas that can transform a logo into a futuristic one and they can never wear out. But how can one be so sure of their logo or brand? The answer lies in the observation of some of the oldest and most successful Brand’s strategies. What do they do to remain on top and how do they make sure that they will not be replaced? Big brands that have lasted more than 50 to 100 years all have some features in common and if carefully analyzed, we can ingrain those features. One thing that is very important while studying those big brands is not to be too inspired that their design starts to appear in yours. We will focus on the traits, features, qualities and the personality and not the design. Here are those 3 traits that can make a logo timeless. 

You might have heard this repeatedly in the graphics world that simplicity is the greatest virtue. But does it really work? Yes, it does. Simplicity has its own benefits. It’s not like you don’t have to ponder to come up with something simple. Truth be told, sometimes it takes ages to come up with something simple yet attractive. Just like the world’s famous Nike. How simple is that but still no one can say that they dislike their logo design? Choices can vary but we are talking about the majority. And in the branding world if you can have the majority on your side, what else do you want? The business does not care about a bunch of sociopaths but the main concern is to grab the attention of the masses. Along with simplicity, Uniqueness is also a very important feature that can do the right job for you. Uniqueness comes on its own when you have a creative mind. One way to be unique with your logo is to make the most of the negative space in your logo. The world’s most appreciated logo, FedEx, who has won several awards because of its smart and creative utilization of the negative space. You can find more examples of the negative space utilization on the internet. But the thing is you have to have it in your mind while taking any inspiration otherwise there is a chance to lose the originality which in turn will cause redundancy. This is what you don’t want at all. 

  • Adaptable 

Adaptability sounds quite obvious when we are talking about a logo to be timeless. It is one of those features that can make sure that your logo can be adjusted to any size, colour, and seasonal changes. Let’s say you own an IT firm, now we all are aware that how many updates and advancements occur in the technology in a single year. This doesn’t mean that you have to keep updating your logo but when it’s due then you must act and with a full heart. See the recent Gmail’s Logo update, The Facebook Messenger’s Logo update. Google has updated the Gmail’s logo after seven years and the same number stands for Facebook, Although Facebook has not yet made any changes to their mainstream logo which is a signature social media platform, we see that they recently updated the messenger’s logo after seven years. There is no specific or lucky time when you need to go for these changes but keeping an eye on some major innovations is the key to keep your logo fresh. 

  • Don’t attach any specific reference 

When a writer wants to compose a piece of writing that can sound relevant even after a hundred years, that writer describes the events in such a way that they don’t refer to any specific occurrence of that time or anything that points to a particular trend of their time. This approach is applicable to anything that is intended to be timeless. A logo that does not have any such references can easily be adjusted to any time frame. 

  • Consider your Industry’s probable future

It’s not that difficult to guess what is going to happen in your industry in the coming years if you have a keen eye for detail, an accomplice in the stock market or similar platforms that determine the upcoming changes. For example, the World Economic Forum predicts certain future trends for almost every market. That way you can consider those changes to include in your logo design. A digital logo design was considered to be the future in the branding world some 70 years ago but now we see that this is nothing to be excited about. Every business has a digital logo nowadays. 

  • It should be easily memorable 

A logo that is too complex is hard to digest in the first few looks. Therefore we recommend having a logo that is minimalistic and modern. To make it a memorable one, it should be visually fluent. Meaning that there should be fewer colours and fonts and that it should have a dominant presence in itself. Including more than two colours in a logo makes it hard to remember. At this point, we will consider some of the iconic logos that are so easily memorable that just by listening to their name you can have their logo fully imagined in your mind. For example:

  • Uber

This amazingly minimalistic logo is too simple that once you have used their app, you will subconsciously remember their logo for the next use. They have kept it simple in black and white also because they want to keep it convenient for their clients to spot the car that has the logo on it from far away. 

  • Nike

Another giant brand who believes in simplicity and making its customers memorize their brand. No one can ever forget this logo because of one simple symbol and the font that Nike has used in their logo is also unique and therefore unforgettable. 

  • Twitter

No text in the logo is also a very good technique to make it more convenient for the audience to remember. But it should fully voice your brand’s speciality or at least resonate with the name of your brand just like Twitter. A small tweeting bird created in the negative space in the classic blue icon. 

There are many more examples of such brands but 3 have been discussed to give a good idea.

One more easy way to make your logo timeless and memorable is to consult the professional help such as @LogoMagicians, Sky Potential, and many others who provide complete branding solutions along with relevant and creative ideas for your logo.